..to my own blog.
I choose to finish my 'assignment and homework for my students' instead of completing my own writing. A few articles 'stranded' in the middle of nowhere, almost disappear in the midst of tangled mind. No updates for almost a month now. Here i come again.
Just a bit what's happening these two days. This weekend is not-officially my turn to go home and visit mum after almost a month. Even though monthly qiamullail with usrah mate is scheduled this weekend, I had to pass. Money is not everything. She earned more than I do every month. Checking out on mum, listening to her a-month-around-the-world-gossip and cook for her at least will soothe her heart. I wanted to give her the best i could afford before changing my surname. *wink. But as always, I had more people longing for my love andattention.
My plan to visit adik-adik at IPGSM (Institut Perguruan Sultan Mizan) Besut on Friday was cancelled as they are quarantined inside due to H1N1 and outside visitors are strickly not allowed. This is my third failed attempt . Allah knows best why.
On may way back to Dungun from Besut, I stopped at Mc Ita's lovely house, to meet up akhawat from Russia and UK whom are now enjoying their summer holidays. They came to visit Mc Ita, and I was invited by Mc Ita to join them. We had our lunch there. Ta'aruf and sharing was the main agenda. Alhamdulillah, Allah gave them plenty chances to meet and get to know syuyukh-syuyukh in Terengganu. Not like when I was in their shoes a few yeas back.I envy them! I met sis Azimah and her sister DD whom came and had usrah at my home during last summer holidays, sis Effa whom i missed a lot, cute lil sis Ju whom i last met her was during ABJZ SMK Rantau Petronas on May. We met again, after my surprised visit to her home last 2 weeks, sis Aida surprised to know that I came to know her plan visit to Mc Ita's house. The rest are sisters/akhawat from Russia and UK. I could say this visit is a small unplanned reunion for me! My Allah tie our heart together and keep us tighten in this journey of da'wah.
I arrived home (Dungun) at almost 7.00 pm my very first view was my sis-in-law crashed-Vios. It gets on my nerve at that very moment as I saw the car and I whispered slowly to myself that I will drive slower and slowly next time. Accelerator is my best friend so far. Speeding is my hobby and slow driver is my allergic. My usrah mate would agree with me on this. My lucky number for today is 140km/h. It seems i need to choose a more-save-for-life hobby (or may be not).

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